Saturday 27 March 2010

Crew Dinner 2010

The inaugural, re-instated, annual crew dinner was held on 26th March at the Runswick Bay Hotel. The crew dinner is held at the start of each season as part of the Rescue Boat's preparation for the year ahead and it proved to be a great evening with 25 crew and guests attending, awards being given and no shortage of fun and frolics.

There were 9 certificates awarded to crew who achieved their RYA Basic Navigation and Safety Certificates during the winter and no less than 6 crew achieved promotion to Helmsman after a winter of hard training and assessment. Our thanks to Andy Monaghan, Crew Leader, for all of his efforts over the last 6 months and for organising such a super event.

A very special award was given to Simon Blackburn - his own personal helmet with a new anti-collision system built into it. We suggest you ask Simon for exact details about the reason for this award and, although perhaps a little unfair, it was accepted with good humour.

All crew received their 2010 crew shirts and the flag was flying the following morning over the lifeboathouse as the new 'on duty' system started. With Easter only a week away, and the weather improving, we are expecting the Bay to get more and more busy from now onwards.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

RBRB New Website is Launched

There's still a little bit of work to do, but it's official, the new RBRB website has gone live this week. We will be looking to refine, improve, add to and generally keep the thing lively, informative and current.

If you have any thoughts, ideas, comments (good or bad) then please let us know.