Monday 5 July 2010

Bridge Day Fund Raiser

The winners, Joyce Turner & Barbara Todd
A Bridge Day, held on Sunday 27th June to raise funds for the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat made £809.

The event was held in Hinderwell Village Hall where ten tables played duplicate bridge in the morning and afternoon with a superb lunch in between. The bridge was kindly directed by Vicky Hirst.

Some crew help out in the kitchen
The day finished with prize giving and a raffle. The buffet lunch was provided by sponsors and helpers. Joyce Turner and Barbara Todd won the first prize of the Day Lewis Perpetual Trophy and bridge sets. The other prize, for valiant effort, was won by Nan Jackson and Margaret Cook. Jenny Hunt won the prize for last trick won with a two. The first raffle prize was drawn by Joe White who chose a side of Gammon kindly donated by R H Ford, Butcher of Glaisdale.

The Chairman of Runswick Bay Rescue Boat Committee, Tom Bottomley, thanked Karen Sewell, Jan Walker, Sue Cheeseley and Mo Metcalfe as well as the many other contributors and helpers and said that the event was a great success.

1 comment:

  1. I heard Babara Todd was the best bridge player since Harold Stirling Vanderbilt! G G G G G-Unit
