Tuesday 10 August 2010

Rescue Boat Weekend Raises Over £3,000

The 2010 Runswick Bay Rescue Boat fundraising weekend, held on the weekend of 6th-8th August 2010, has been an amazing success and has raised over £3,000 for the charity.

The weekend started, after displaying the boat and merchandise at the Hinderwell Show, with the annual Beef Supper in the village institute on Friday evening.

The ticket only event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended and there was an address by both the Crew Leader and the Chairman who thanked the many people who had contributed, but most notably Simon and Theresa Blackburn for organising it.

There was an auction of a trio of Jon Hall paintings which raised over £800 and the chairman expressed his gratitude to Jon, who had travelled that day to Runswick to complete the pictures in time for the dinner, in addition to all the other donors of fantastic auction and raffle prizes including further paintings, trips down Boulby Mine and many bottles and other items.

The following day there was cricket on the beach, bellboat races and an evening barbecue and the weekend was capped by a coffee morning in the village institute on the Sunday morning and a display by RBRB on the Sunday afternoon.

You can see PICTURES of the weekend here and also a VIDEO of the display here.

The crew and committee of RBRB would like to thank everyone who helped to make the weekend such as success.

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