Tuesday 21 June 2011

Runswick Bay Crew Come to Aid of Stricken Dinghy

Whitby Gazette Online - Published on Tuesday 21 June 2011 11:00

TWO men on board a dinghy attempted to row it back to the shore at Runswick Bay after the engine failed.

Luckily a member of the public on the cliffs at Port Mulgrave spotted them at about 7.30pm on Monday and rang a crewman from the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat to ask advice.

A crew was immediately mustered and the Humber coastguard notified.

Runswick Bay Rescue Boat then launched to find a 15 foot fibreglass dinghy with a dead engine still being rowed in the direction of Runswick.

The two men onboard were safe, unharmed and well equipped with life jackets but faced with a long and tiring row to shore.

They gratefully accepted assistance and were towed safely to shore. The rescue boat was stood down at 8.10pm

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