Monday 26 September 2011

RBRB Has a New Crew Leader

After almost three seasons in office, it is time for RBRB to say thank you to Andy Monaghan who stepped down as Crew Leader on 31st August 2011. Andy took on the role of Crew Leader at a difficult time for the charity, when volunteer numbers were diminished and the future was looking decidedly shaky. Andy has been an instrumental part of the team that has revived our fortunes although, as with all volunteer organisations, it will always remain a challenge to find willing crew and committee to continue the important work that RBRB carries out.

We are therefore very pleased to announce the appointment of Tom (Dobbo) Dobson as our new Crew Leader. Tom joined the Rescue Boat in 2008 and has trained and worked hard to win the unanimous support of the crew in this promotion. Tom is a qualified RYA instructor and has enormous skills not just in boat handling and safety but also in all aspects of the maintenance of the service. Tom has also served on the committee since 2009.

Graham Naylor, who succeeded Tom Bottomley as Chairman at the AGM earlier this year, commented; “We are terrifically lucky to have people like Dobbo in our organisation. He is an extremely talented individual who has the full support of crew, committee and supporters alike and we wish him the very best of luck in his new role.”

As part of the ongoing evolution of RBRB, Tom will be supported by a new operational structure and we are also very pleased to announce the following operational promotions to support Tom in his new role:

• Boat and Boathouse Officer, Dave Walker supported by Lewis Clarke and Phil Metcalfe
• Quality Assurance Officer, Mike Sewell
• Training Officer, Simon Blackburn
• Recruitment and PR Officer, Robbie Stewart
• Duties Officer, Neil Suckling
• Communications Officer, Tom Bottomley


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