Saturday 22 October 2011

Auction at The Runswick Bay Hotel

The fantastic sum of £1,000 was raised at a charity auction on Saturday 22nd October at the Runswick Bay Hotel. Robbie Stewart, landlord, auctioneer and organiser off the event, is splitting the funds between the local RNLI and RBRB. As a helmsman on the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat himself, Robbie was keen to acknowledge the invaluable help and support that has been given to RBRB by Whitby RNLI. "It is absolutely right that we raise money for all the local voluntary services and I particularly wanted to say thank you to Whitby RNLI because of everything they have done to help us" said Robbie.

The main auction lot was this beautiful, hand built, model of a Watson Class lifeboat, the same class as Whitby's own Mary Ann Hepworth which remained in service until 1974. The donor, who built the model himself, wishes to remain anonymous although it is fitting that we thank him publicly here for such a generous donation.
Another auction lot was this stunning brass binnacle.

Robbie wishes to express his thanks to all of the donors and all of the bidders who combined to make the evening such a success.

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